Monday, October 1, 2012

Thoughts on Relationships❤

So, lately I've been thinking- a lot, unfortunately-
About love; the institute of it, relationships, that awfully cute stuff that we strive for. And these are my various thoughts I suppose, or I guess feelings would be a better word.

WARNING: this may be a post by me just so that I can vent. If so, I apologize. But, I warned you! Also, I do not take my own advice on these things. I kind of have confidence problems, so don't be offended if I say things I don't do myself in this area. This is FOR YOU.

Most people (guys especially) seem to spend a good majority of the being of their time being single bragging about it, right? There's more freedom, more fun, more excitement?

Well, that may be. But in my opinion..

Yes. There is definitely more freedom, I won't deny. I have experienced it. However, I'd also so love doing the things that make me have so much fun with someone I care about, someone significant- a significant other.
There is fun & excitement, but like I said. I would love to be having fun WITH someone I love.

Now, some feelings you DON'T feel when you're with someone that you do when you aren't. (This may not apply in all cases) Loneliness, maybe even emptiness, hopelessness and loss. Sometimes you just feel like you have no one there, no one who truly is always there for you who loves you and knows you. You feel like you're just alone in this world.

One other terrible feeling- that has just hit me recently- is worthlessness. Example? When you get so attached to someone who isn't yours yet. And then, suddenly, all of your fears came true and they lost interest. They left before they were yours to hold onto. It hurts, right? Hell. It sucks! (I may be talking like this because I was with someone for two years, every day, that was suddenly gone. However, I still feel this way.) You feel self-conscious, like what did I do wrong? Am I not this or that, like other girls? You feel like you'll never be good enough.

Well. You're wrong. You're beautiful. You're strong. You're more than good enough for anyone and everyone. That one that has you hung up doesn't see that, and that's their loss! You shouldn't waste your time on someone who won't give you theirs! C'mon now! Everyone deserves to feel love and be loved in return, there's someone for everyone. I promise.


P.S. thanks for reading. Have a great day/night. :)

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